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Overcome Interoperability Challenges Faster Than Your Competition

Learn more about how companies have achieved success with these interoperability solutions.

Futuristic Interoperability

Take A “Leep”: Upgrading LTI Integration for Leepfrog Technologies

Leepfrog Technologies, a curriculum management solution, took the leap to upgrade their current syllabus management tool, Courseleaf, from LTI 1.1 integration to LTI 1.3. Unicon led this challenging process, accelerating timelines by providing their consulting and expertise. 

Meeting You Where You Are

Stories from a few of Unicon's happy clients

When it comes to integration and interoperability solutions, one size does not fit all. Unicon is a committed partner, meeting you where you are on your interoperability journey. 

Some of the services we provide include:

  • Evaluative services
  • Direct technical planning
  • Sprint zero services
  • Strategic staffing, inbedding interoperability architect experts into your team
  • Full project development
Carolina Biological Supply Company

Empowering In-House Deep Linking

As a supplier of science education materials to faculty, home-educators, and health and science professionals, Carolina Biological Supply Company needed a partner to support their in-house team’s adoption of LTI 1.3 and achieve the onerous task of deep linking. 

Carolina Biological Supply Company found that partner in Unicon. 

Unicon helped Carolina Biological Supply Company to achieve its goals by guiding the in-house development team and provided subject matter expertise and an LMS Integration Consultant to accelerate their processes.

Dreamscape Learn

Partners In Cinematic Storytelling and Interoperability

Dreamscape Learn needed assistance in improving interoperability with various edtech platforms. As an edtech company dedicated to transforming education through the integration of cinematic storytelling, cutting-edge immersive technologies, and advanced pedagogy, Dreamscape Learn sought a partner with the same devotion to industry transformation.   

Unicon engaged a Sprint Zero test to help Dreamscape Learn define, document, and prioritize use cases and outlined the integration’s Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to accelerate the testing process but reduce inefficiencies. 

Texas Education Exchange

Uniting Data With Unicon

The Texas Education Exchange was created to organize disparate data sources and provide educators with insights to improve student outcomes. Having already partnered with Education Analytics to deliver major components of the Exchange eco-system, the Texas Education Exchange also sought a development partner to focus on three components of the overall eco-system. 

Unicon built a rostering tool to help non-technical LEA administrators onboard third party tools, requiring rostering data. Unicon also built a Minimally Viable Product (MVP) of the rostering tool to pull data from the Texas Education Exchange’s data warehouse, and create and send CSV files to third party tool providers. Finally, Unicon developed a UI to help LEA administrators to more efficiently perform those tasks without engaging with and placing undue pressure on software development resources. 

Larson Texts

Prolific Platform Creation

Having already built two new core curriculum platforms ( and, next generation products, and shifting from a one-platform to a multi-platform system to K-12 districts, Larson Texts turned to Unicon. 

Unicon performed a Holistic Integration Evaluation to help Larson Texts design an integration and rostering solution to address primary K-12 LMS platforms, like Canvas, Schoology, and Google Classroom, and rostering solutions for programs like Clever and OneRoster.


Elevating the School District Onboarding Process

Instructure needed to optimize their Elevate K-12 Analytics application, known as Elevate. School districts’ traditional method of onboarding has been described as cumbersome, time consuming, and technically-dependent. When Instructure developed the Elevate K-12 Analytics application, known as Elevate, they knew it needed to be optimized to combine data from various sources, and provide visualizations of integrated data so educators can measure, manage, and improve student outcomes. 

To help Instructure achieve their goal, Unicon built a Minimally Viable Product (MVP) tool so that Instructure could efficiently test how to support the assessment of CSV file ingestion. Unicon’s MVP tool even included a feature for a user interface to: upload assessment CSV data files, select the loader to use, and perform the final data transform. 


Pivoting to Pearson Workforce Skills Division

Building on a long-standing relationship with Pearson, primarily in the Pearson Higher Education and Assessment divisions, Unicon recently pivoted to assist Pearson’s integration goals in the Workforce Skills division. The integration work between Pearson Credly and OpenEdX was provided specifically for a client need in Saudi Arabia. 

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